
Thursday, January 26, 2006

A belated parol cookie cake picture. This was the final design my sister came up with, and I think it's fabulous

Been flexing my baking muscles again, and decided to revisit some old recipes. These are orange drop cookies, the first ever recipe I did from the Betty Crocker Cooky book. I remember how stressed I was, how I screwed up zesting the first orange because didn't know you were suppose to stop zesting at the white bitter part, how I stood and waited staring into the oven, hoping the cookies didn't spread. They came out fine the first time, and that encouraged me to keep going, so I owe a lot to these little orange suckers.

And finally, the first fancy cake I ever tried to make, something I call the sugar cloud cake. I started my business with this cake.

It's a meringue shell filled with bittersweet chocolate cream and topped with strawberries. I love this cake. This cake kills me. Every time I make it, it's stressfull. Meringue doesn't like humidity, and every single day here in my hot messy country is humid, so good luck, but somehow, the meringue comes out fine.

This Saturday I'm holding a sort of tea party where my customers (meaning my relatives, ha!) can taste my valentine menu, plus some extra treats. To the two or three people reading this blog, wish me luck.


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